Monday, December 11, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/19/2006 (HITTING THE FIST WITH OUR FACE - The Burn spot we call popular culture.)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


In further considering our modern social dynamic - it is that there have never been more people alive.

In that then, along with various other things to consider, it is that there have never been as many celebrity type of special people.

That body of special people predominantly consists of sheer audacity in the modern day - which as well consists largely of un-informed perspectives beyond immediate needs and wants making for, essentially an un-informed and rather large influence.

It is a pronounced difference within existence at the least, than is the average day in the life of an individual within modern societies.

Again, never before has such a social area been constructed.

I can see the use in such tendencies of focus (in the larger sense) within its design, perhaps being to address that phenomenon/process of concept into application . This through actually maintaining that difference, that lack of insight (well within the solidified application are of that process )- thus limiting the prospective damage from said phenomenon through such magnified and concentrated area of focus as is/are such stations - in limiting the effect of such audacity (for instance) to essentially frivolous (contained) areas within that transformative process.

Modern celebrity through modern mediums especially - exists firmly within that which is solidified in application and further is contained spatially within a collective capacity (as well as a community in many respects) within those constraints I have mentioned as per frequency consistencies and the resulting area within our perspective due to production consistencies (among other things) which I have mentioned as well.

In so many words, again - that area of/where-in the media exists within our perspective - is really a very limited and contained box like area within our larger capacity potential(s) - a person might even liken it to a burn spot. ~

This then gives rise to the realization that the challenging realities within that over consistency has actually begun to supersede the actual process phenomenon I am (and have) describing - even before we as a species have fully recognized that transformation process.

The razing and reshaping of that over solidified area through such artificial means (over and over again especially) being perceived by some (most perhaps) as a process of existence - even as it is entirely contained within that area of result and itself, of course. This due to the fact that it is a fabricated (and amplified) emulation of that process in result of said concept into application phenomenon. ~

This presents another duality of sorts (and yet another emulation within our modern society(ies) of existence) which is then further diversified through mass interpretations (perceptions on the whole).

For instance - consider social consistency within society as layers so to speak - not so much class or racial, but more capacity consistencies co-existing in different volumes and levels (frequency consistency - wave forms as another example).

I could see Einstein comparing with his idea of co-existing time dimensions (what I know of it) as illustration in an effort to efficiently convey the structure layers of varying capacity/perception.

Within these consistencies, then must surely be further consistencies within each categorized consistency/capacity level and in relation to different represented ratios within that concept/idea to application process.

For instance, some walks demonstrating deep capacity in the concept area with a more shallow effect toward application - while yet others may be more shallow within the concept consideration but more in depth toward an application sense - and then of course, various combinations of said ratio throughout other consistent areas as/of example.

The sum total of those aspects (variations in degree) in combination, then yielding our modern reality - though a version of it consisting largely of that amplified emulation. Some as mentioned, existing almost entirely within that solidified area produced by application with little insight into anything beyond it.

This duality, beyond that consistency, existing largely un-noticed as per containment (limited aspects) within common perception.


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